By: Dr. Adnan Bozan
There is no truth more accurate than that told by time, and no lesson greater than the lesson of history. Time passes, and generations change, but the great truth remains steadfast, like the sun that never sets. "God is Truth," a truth that cannot be compromised or delayed, a truth that recognizes no geography, no race, and no color. It is the truth that flows through the veins of the oppressed everywhere, and in the heart of every wounded people. No one can escape the conditions of this universal truth: everyone will taste from the same poisoned cup that the Kurds have drunk from.
The Kurds, throughout their history, have been victims of relentless injustice. The cruelty they have endured was not merely a passing chapter in history, but a story of ongoing tragedy that seems never-ending. A people who have suffered for decades, not because of any fault of their own, but because they chose to exist, they chose to have a voice, they chose to carry within their hearts an identity they refused to deny. Do you know what is worse than stripping a person of their rights? Stripping them of their essence, their identity, their history, of everything that connects them to their past and present.
Let us look back for a moment, to the wounds that still bleed, and to the questions that echo in our ears with a fragmented voice, occupying our thoughts: Why? Why were the Kurds trapped in the trap of oblivion? Why, at a time when the world was witnessing progress and development, did this land push its people toward the abyss? Why was their voice silenced, their rights confiscated, and their souls demeaned? Was it because they chose, one day, to be different from the other nations? Was it because they lived among the threads of hope in building a country open to plurality and equality? Was it because they dreamed of a better life for their people, far from the winds of injustice and narrow nationalistic sentiments? Or was it simply because they refused to melt into the cauldron of lies propagated by tyrants?
The truth that must be spoken loudly is that what the Kurds have experienced is the same as what any other people may experience when standing against tyranny. Their experiences are repeated everywhere, and their history intersects with the histories of others, teaching us a bitter lesson: oppression does not differentiate between races, it does not recognize borders, and the injustice imposed upon one group is, in essence, injustice to all humanity. The Kurds would not have had to endure this lethal poison in their veins were it not for the political crises and regional conflicts that turned their people into fuel for wars they had no part in.
What a profound lesson we must draw from this tragedy! The Kurds are not the only ones who will taste the bitterness of this cup; it is for everyone who believes that injustice can pass without consequence, for everyone who thinks that darkness will always remain far from them, and that history will not return to demand its rights. God is Truth in your justice, no one can remain untouched by its principles, and no one can escape the consequences of injustice, no matter how long it takes. Just as the Kurds have drunk from this poison, everyone will eventually taste it, sooner or later.
Wherever walls are built to separate people, and wherever injustice is sown to scatter hope in souls, there the Truth of God will find its way. There is no refuge in this world from the deep truth that in the end, the poison will reach those who thought they were safe. No one can escape the consequences of injustice, and no nation can live under the banner of truth unless justice flows as the fundamental principle in every vein of life.
The political philosophy in which we live today requires us to understand that the fate of every people is interconnected. There is no freedom for one people without freedom for others, and no peace for one people without peace for others. The principle of human justice cannot tolerate compromise, and it does not allow exceptions. Those who do not recognize the right of peoples to self-determination, to live a dignified life, to build a cultural identity and a political existence, are paving the way for their own destruction, and the destruction of the world as a whole.
We must ask ourselves: will we remain trapped in the circle of injustice? Will oppression continue through the ages? Or will hope remain rooted in our hearts, lighting the way to a more just world? The collective memory must remain alive within us, not to dwell in the past, but to understand the present, and to know how to build a future where the Kurds, and any other people suffering from oppression, are never forgotten.
God is Truth, and nothing else. Justice never falls, no matter the circumstances.