By Dr. Adnan Bouzan
In the vast fields of life, stretching like a canvas of light and shadows, the heart bears fruit only from what its owner has sown with his own hands. Life is a fertile land for those who cultivate it with care and barren for those who neglect it, leaving it prey to the winds. The love you plant today is the wheat you will harvest tomorrow, the golden stalks that will bow to your generosity, and the fruit that will nourish your soul’s hunger when the springs of time run dry.
Have you not seen how the stalks embrace the wind, swaying under the weight of their bounty, bowing their heads in reverent gratitude? Love is the same—when given sincerely, it blossoms into lush shade along life’s paths, draping souls in garments of light. So, plant love wherever you go, let it seep into hearts like rays of dawn, like rain upon thirsty deserts, like a breeze that gently caresses the weary at dusk.
The tiny seed you cast into the earth today may one day grow into a tree with sprawling shade, and a word of kindness sown with sincerity in a weary heart may illuminate its darkness, blooming into fields of jasmine within the soul. What, then, of the one who fills the earth with love? The one who waters it with gentleness and forgiveness, nurturing it with warmth and connection? Is his reward not to be enveloped in the same love he has given, to have his life adorned with golden stalks that know no loss?
Look at the earth after seasons of drought—how it blooms when the rain arrives! How it rises from the depths of barrenness when the hand of generosity reaches out to it! Hearts are the same; only pure love, watered with sincerity, can awaken them from their slumber. They do not bloom unless they are tended with care, nor do they offer loyalty except to those who have sown their seeds with true intent.
Do not fear that the generosity of your hands will go to waste. Every seed planted in the soil of love will bear fruit one day. Every touch of kindness gifted to the hearts of others will return to you tenfold, just as the golden stalks return, laden with the blessings of the harvest. Plant love wherever you are, and let your heart be a field that nurtures warmth wherever it settles—for the stalks never betray the one who sows them, and the earth never denies the one who tills it with devotion.