How Long Will the Farce of Splits and the So-Called Unity Continue?
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Dr. Adnan Bozan
How long will we continue to live in a closed cycle of political deception, where the same scene repeats itself time and time again, as if we have learned nothing? How long will we keep believing that the splits occurring within Kurdish parties are driven by national interests or the pretext of correcting the course? And how long will this political absurdity persist, serving only narrow interests at the expense of the Kurdish people's aspirations? Every time a politician breaks away from their party, they deliver a fiery speech about corruption, conspiracy, and the absence of democracy within the very party they were part of just yesterday. Yet, before long, they start calling for Kurdish unity, as if the public has no memory, as if they were never part of the same parties they now criticize. If unity was truly the goal, wouldn't it have been more logical for them to work from within their parties to reform them rather than splitting away and forming new factions that only deepen the division? The contradiction is clear and undeniable: why do they break away if they seek unity? Why do they speak of reconciliation when they were the first to create division? Isn't this an admission that the real motives behind these splits are not reformist but rather tied to personal interests, power struggles, and external agendas serving one side or another? The Kurdish people have grown weary of this recurring political theater, where they are constantly expected to be fuel for elite power struggles, only to be pacified with grandiose slogans about a "unified discourse" and a "shared destiny." The truth is that these elites are not genuinely working for the people's benefit but are instead seeking positions of power that will allow them to remain in the political arena, even if it comes at the cost of further fragmentation, which the ordinary citizen ultimately pays for. If there is one lesson to be learned, it is that the awareness of the Kurdish people is no longer as it once was, and they can no longer be easily deceived by empty rhetoric. True unity does not come from statements and press releases but from a sincere will to work together, prioritizing the collective good over partisan and personal interests. Unless Kurdish politicians grasp this reality, they will find themselves isolated from a people who now fully understand their manipulations and are no longer willing to be victims of an ongoing political farce.
So how long will this nonsense continue? And how long will illusions be sold in the name of unity?