The State of Criminals, Monkeys, and the Beard… When a Nation is Reduced to a Farce
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By: Dr. Adnan Bouzan
There is no benefit to be expected from a state ruled by mentalities that see the homeland as nothing but a farm to be milked or a prize to be divided. A state built on a herd mentality, where politics is reduced to mere formalities and the country is run with a mindset no different from the law of the jungle—where the strong devour and the weak are crushed under the weight of ignorance and tyranny. In such a state, the citizen is nothing more than a tool used to legitimize the ruling authority’s recklessness, and the homeland is merely a stage for a farce that repeats itself with different faces but the same script, endlessly reproducing itself without any fundamental change.
What is the point of conferences if they are nothing more than superficial displays meant to beautify the regime's image before the world? Hundreds of roundtables mean nothing if the participants see the homeland solely as a means to sustain their power and hear nothing but the echoes of their own voices. The truth they fear is that real dialogue is not one between tyrants and themselves, but rather between the people and their rulers, between the oppressed and those who oppress them in the name of religion, nationalism, or even the so-called "national interest." Every meeting held under the suppression of dissent is nothing more than an exercise in deception, and every speech about reform in the midst of rampant corruption is merely an attempt to beautify a decaying face that no amount of makeup can conceal.
When a state raises the banner of religion but robs the poor of their sustenance, that is not piety—it is blatant exploitation. When officials speak of freedom while prisons overflow with dissenters, that is not dialogue—it is repression disguised in diplomatic rhetoric. And when leaders claim to unite factions but do not tolerate any voice outside their chorus, the nation becomes nothing more than a vast prison ruled by false masks. There is no difference between tyranny in a formal suit and tyranny with a long beard; the essence remains the same, no matter how appearances change. Exploitation remains exploitation, regardless of the tools and slogans used. Any authority that uses religion as a cover while practicing looting and oppression is just another face of despotism, and any regime that waves the banner of democracy while ruling with an iron fist is nothing more than a political monstrosity adept at wearing disguises.
A nation is not just a slogan to be raised or speeches to be broadcast on screens. A nation is its people, its justice, its institutions that uphold human rights. But when it turns into nothing more than an arena where wolves fight for dominance, neither a thousand conferences nor a thousand grandiose speeches will set things right. There is no real homeland when it is reduced to a single individual or a group monopolizing power and wealth, and there is no future for a people who are meant to remain a herd, driven between an empty religious discourse and a political narrative filled with false promises.
The truth that everyone knows but fears to admit is that change does not come from the salons of power but from the people's awareness and their will to reclaim a nation that has, for years, been reduced to a milking cow for an elite that sees it as nothing but a resource to exploit, or a theater where the same play is staged repeatedly—each time with new faces but the same old script. Betting on a system that recycles itself is a losing bet because those who govern with a herd mentality will only produce more chaos, and those who peddle falsehoods will only reap more destruction. A regime that thrives on ignorance will create a society that remains oblivious, and a government that masters repression will only breed fearful citizens. And when a nation is governed by the logic of despotism, it becomes nothing more than an ever-tightening prison—one that will, inevitably, explode.