The sword, though absent from my sight, remains unsheathed, And justice is wielded by its blade if might allows.
The pen guards thoughts adorned with wisdom’s light,
Flowing in the hands of those blessed with enlightenment.
If the sword protects the borders of the land,
Then the heart revives it with reason shaped by guidance.
Without poetry, our glories would be forgotten,
And without blood, our pillars would not stand.
The sword strikes down tyranny when it rages,
And the pen erases the corruption of thought when it festers.
Strike with your sword if time oppresses
The free, whose hopes seek refuge in its might.
Write with your pen about our days as lessons,
Perhaps they may awaken those who slumber.
The sword is fire, burning injustice to ruin,
And the pen is light, setting the worlds ablaze with wisdom.
How many books of glory has your pen inscribed?
How often have we seen what our foes have amassed?
If sword and pen unite in purpose,
No oppressor’s goal shall ever be achieved.
The sword holds honor, as if time remembers it,
And the pen takes pride in what the hand has written.
If in your grasp, resolve does not blend
The sword with the pen, no stronghold shall stand.
The sword rules the battlefield with its decree,
And the pen bears witness to history’s truth.
The dreams of the noble may quell the flames
When eloquence prevails and intellect ignites.
Strike when our foes confront our dignity,
And write so that those who come may read our legacy.
How many victories has the sword enshrined?
How many joys has the pen recorded at birth?
This life is for us both sword and verse,
In which ascension and glory are united.
The sword in our hands is justice we uphold,
And the pen in our hands stands alone for truth.
Make your path between arms as
Between letters woven with light.
No resolve shall prevail if the pen betrays its hand,
And no weapon shall endure if courage falters.
If the sword drenches foes in their own blood,
The pen preserves history from loss.
Both are guardians of dignity, unwavering
When the intentions of the striving remain true.
So be as one who lifts high honor with his sword,
And writes glory for generations to come.
Fashion within your heart the spirit of justice and march,
As if all aspirations rely upon you.
Is there not in this world a writer of history?
Is there not in the sword a victory that endures forever?
The sword is the honor of those who bear it,
And the pen, a soul kindled in the light of knowledge.
I shall proclaim with words witnessed by glory:
The sword and the pen stand united in honor.
By Dr. Adnan Bouzan